Why You Need a Professional for Stump Removal

Why You Need a Professional for Stump Removal

It doesn’t sound difficult, but stump removal is one of those jobs you shouldn’t handle on your own. It takes experience, knowledge and skill to extract tree stumps smoothly. Old tree stumps are an eyesore. They mar your landscaping and create a trip hazard. You may want yours gone, but it’s not a DIY project you should tackle without the necessary know-how.


It Requires Special Equipment

You may be able to rent a stump grinder, but do you know how to operate it? Not only is renting this machine expensive and a hassle to transport, but it takes special training to know how to use it effectively. If you have only one or two stumps to remove, it’s likely to be cheaper and easier to hire a reputable tree company than to rent a machine.

It’s Dangerous

You can jump right in and start on a stump removal job, but if you don’t do a risk analysis first, you could unknowingly put yourself or your property in harm’s way. Are there any utility or plumbing lines you should watch for? Are you following best practices while operating the machinery? Have a professional conduct a hazard assessment first. This is how arborists go about their work, and it’s much safer for everyone involved. They remove the stump with care to reduce risk.

There’s More to it Than Meets the Eye — Literally

The network of roots beneath the actual stump is another obstacle. Roots can reach far and wide, sometimes into the path of electrical wires or plumbing lines. Stump removal professionals can successfully detangle all the roots underground without threatening your home systems … or your neighbor’s.

Professionals Expedite the Process

Finally, think about the time it takes to complete the stump removal project and how quickly an arborist can get the job done. Hint: probably a couple hours. Using a professional service is much more efficient — they can remove the stump fast, with minimal mess and complications.

It’s Time to Get Rid of That Tree Stump — Call Us

Rivendell Tree Experts offers stump removal services for homeowners in Lehi, Utah, and throughout the Salt Lake and Utah Valley region. We get rid of your old tree stump in a clean, safe and efficient manner, making us a top choice for tree care. Call today to learn more about what we do.